Now that the dust has settled, the stage is down and the musicians and campers have returned to their homes and next destinations, we have so many people to thank. Each year, we improve on previous year’s festivals through consideration of all comments received. This year, the musicians were first-rate and brought exceptional bluegrass music from Ontario, Quebec and many parts south of the boarder to South Grenville. The biggest improvement was of course, the grounds were amazing, and our guests noted how happy they were to see this.

The top stars of our festival are first and foremost our 30 + volunteers. Operationally, the festival could not run without the attention to detail and the dedication of all our volunteers. Their work began the Sunday before the festival marking out the roads, building the stage, setting up tables. We then had our RV Gate attendants, parking people and runners. Volunteers picked up golf carts and wagons, drove shuttles, staffed inside sales, sold pre-sale tickets, day parking and provided security and safety to our guests. We also had volunteers for our euchre tournament, workshops, craft activity and band scramble. Finally, we had an excellent team for teardown which helped us bring the festival to a close in the most efficient way. We are forever appreciative for your time, energy and dedication that you bring to make this festival a continued success.

Throughout the year there is a mighty team of volunteers who act as our festival committee that plan and organize for the following year’s festival. We offer our deepest gratitude to the following committee members:

Bernie Coville

Beth Nicol

Cathy Henry

David Porter

Delores Brown

Donald Tarte

George Woo

June Woo

Kevin Brown

Kim Wallace

Lisa Pigeau

Shelley Croswell

Terry Render

Thank you for the many hours throughout the year to make this festival a success. We also gratefully recognize the contributions of the Ottawa Valley Bluegrass Music Association board.

Special thanks to our Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal. The support we received was over the top. The township provided grass cutting, showers, garbage removal, the list goes on and on. It was an honor to have Mayor Tory Deschamps, Deputy Mayor Stephen Dillabough and councilor Chris Ward join us on stage for our opening ceremonies and to hear their kind words. We also offer gratitude to the Province of Ontario for their contribution to our festival. We also offer our deepest thankfulness to our festival sponsors this year:

5 B Family Foundation

Broker Greenhouse

Drummond’s Gas

eQuinelle Golf

Gerry Morrell

Hudson Supply

Lundy Construction

Ottawa Camping Trailers

Oxford Mills Community Association

Pharmasave Spencerville

Port of Johnstown

Tackaberry Construction

The Village Pantry

Weagant Farm Supplies

We are reflecting on this year’s 2024 festival and its many successes. We were pleased to announce our headliner lineup for next year’s 10th anniversary festival. Advance ticket sales have begun, and information will be out shortly on how and where to purchase your tickets. It was amazing to see how quickly our 100 special price pre-sale tickets flew! Next year, mark August 7-10, 2025 on your calendar and come and see Rhonda Vincent and the Rage, Larry Stephenson, Larry Efaw and the Bluegrass Mountaineers and the Baker family. You are in for a real extra special treat.

With deepest gratitude

Kim Wallace


South Grenville Bluegrass Festival